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A local census completion challenge is set to run from now through Monday, August 31. The Chaffee County municipalities are challenged to see which can raise their census response rates the most. Filling out your census is important to many factors of the community, from school lunches to support for firefighters.

Photo by Enayet Raheem. Courtesy of

Households who have yet to respond to the 2020 Census are asked to respond online before August 31. This can easily be done from the comfort of one’s home or by dropping in at one of the above locations.

The city or town in Chaffee County that receives the largest increase in self-response rates in the set time frame will be awarded three $100 gift cards to local grocery stores. The city or town administrator will then have a drawing from those who completed their form online in the winning municipality.

As of August 18, Chaffee County’s self-response rate to the census is 56 percent. Buena Vista’s self-response rate is 55.1 percent, Poncha Springs is 53.1 percent while Salida is 64.8 percent.

A census table will be set up at the following locations on the dates shown here to allow community members a quick and easy way to complete their census:

  • Tuesday, Aug. 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Poncha Lumber, 10021 W. Hwy. 50, Poncha Springs
  • Sunday, Aug. 30, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Buena Vista Farmers Market, South Main Town Square, 701 Front Loop

To be considered, screenshots or prints of the confirmed census submission along with the individual’s name, phone number and email will be required for the drawing.

For more information about the competition click here.