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Chaffee County commissioners will spend a significant portion of their 9 a.m. June 5 board meeting dealing with permits and license applications for adult beverages and recreational marijuana.

Included on the agenda is the first meeting for a Colorado fermented malt beverage application for JV Food Shop, filed by Douglas Jordan and Cynthia Tharp of Buena Vista. Commissioners will also hold a public hearing for a special event permit filed by the Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Center for a June 21 event at Liar’s Lodge, 300000 C.R. 371 in Buena Vista.

Two recreational marijuana cultivation license applications from PG Grow II will be reviewed; one filed for 7706 C.R. 150, the other for 7800 C.R. 152 in Smeltertown. Commissioners will also review a retail marijuana business license renewal request from EcoMed, LLC.

Commissioners will also consider a boundary line adjustment request from Eugene and Margaret Rush for their property on Methodist Mountain and set the dates and select referees and arbitrators for the Board of Equalization hearings and appeals.