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Donations to Ark Valley Voice (AVV) hit $8,421 on Friday, inching us towards our “Christmas in July” Giving Campaign goal of $10,000. We are getting closer every day to the goal, thanks to loyal readers and new readers, who believe in and are supporting our mission that truth should have a voice.

As an independent, free, fact-based news source we bring you stories and news without any barriers to receiving it — on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone — wherever you happen to be. Just go to any time, any day, to get real-time news. We blend the news of our valley with the news across our region, state, and nation because frankly — it’s interconnected. What happens out there — matters here. What happens here — matters out there.

This past week has been typical in that the news has been unrelenting –America just saw its biggest two-day surge of COVID-19 in more than a month — our schools are announcing how they are going to go back to school. July was the hottest month in the history of humankind. Disinformation about the 2020 election continues to swirl. Census data began to come out. Events and concerts are returning, the county has a housing crisis, and speculators have discovered our short-term rental market.  The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning about more extremist activity as we move closer to the 20th anniversary of 9-11.

No, things aren’t “normal” — though we’d all like them to be. Maybe we’re moving to a new normal. As we do, every dollar of donations to AVV has a purpose: to support our dedicated journalists, who in turn will help keep you informed; honestly, factually, calmly, continuously.

Christmas might be sliding into August a bit, but we believe in our readers. As journalists, it is our job to give the news to you straight. If what we do matters to you, we hope you’ll consider a donation.

All Our Best,

The AVV Crew