Support Quality Local Journalism

 The Ark Valley Voice Summer Fund Drive “Christmas in July” starts July 1.

As a non-profit news organization donations to AVV are 100% tax-deductible -– we need your support to continue to offer local, fact-based ethical and unbiased news to our readers with no cost barriers.

We hope you will DONATE TODAY!

Here’s what it means to be a non-profit news organization:

  • We are independent; beholden only to truth and the reporting of fact-based news.
  • We aren’t here for profit; we are here to give truth a voice
  • We are local; our journalists live and work here.
  • We don’t endorse candidates; we don’t tell you what to think , we give you things to think about on candidates and issues
  • We are courageous; we break news stories and ask tough questions – holding the powerful to account and ensuring the role of the free and independent press in our democracy.

We have been so grateful for the solid reader support since our launch in 2018, and especially since become a nonprofit news organization in August, 2022. Our goal for the month of July is to raise $30,000 toward the salaries of our working journalists. 

In the past year Ark Valley Voice has authored more than 1200 news stories covering local news and issues important to you and your families; from education to energy, from water woes and drought, to wildfire mitigation, managing county growth to government accountability.

Six days a week we give you real-time news delivered to your inbox. We believe in our mission, that truth should have a voice, and we believe that as news media, we and our readers play a role in protecting our democracy.

As a non-profit news organization, we depend on grants and donations to keep the lights on and the journalists paid. In fact, 99 percent of our income goes to the wages of working journalists.

PLEASE  Help Ark Valley Voice reach our $30,000 goal to support local journalism

Donate to Ark Valley Voice

The Crew of Ark Valley Voice