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Executive Order Allows Individuals to Remove Masks in Public Indoor Spaces if 80 percent of Individuals Have Proof of Vaccination

Governor Jared Polis announced that he amended and extended the statewide mask Executive Order for another 30 days, as Colorado continues to focus on increasing vaccinations.

Governor Jared Polis has extended the state facemask order

The indoor mask order remains in effect for all schools statewide and certain other settings. For counties with greater than 35 cases per 100,000 people, the indoor mask order applies to groups of ten or more unvaccinated people indoors and there remains no outdoor mask order.

This order is also further amended to allow indoor spaces where more than 10 people are present to go without masks, so long as at least 80 percent of those individuals are fully vaccinated.

In his remarks, the governor reiterated that vaccines not only protect you and your loved ones from getting this deadly virus but they also allow Colorado to return back to normal.

Reaching a high level of immunity is what will allow for a life without masks, but before that is possible, many more Coloradans need to get vaccinated.

Other directives from the last Executive Order, D 2021 079, remain in effect: This includes requiring facemask-wearing in all counties in schools (including extracurricular activities), child care centers, indoor children’s camps, public-facing state government facilities, congregate care facilities, prisons, jails, emergency medical and other healthcare settings, and personal services and limited healthcare settings as defined by PHO 20-38.

In counties with one-week disease incidence rates in excess of 35 per 100,000, masks must also be worn in all Public Indoor Spaces when 10 or more unvaccinated individuals or individuals of unknown vaccination status are present, except in situations that meet the requirements of the new amendment.

In counties with one-week disease incidence rates less than 35 per 100,000 (Level Green), mask-wearing is not required if there are 10 or more people who are unvaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown.