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Dear Editor:

While no one likes to see the coroner in an official capacity, it is important that, when you do, you are dealing with a professional, caring person.

I have known Dave Slavish for several years, and I am impressed not only by his thoughtfulness, but also by his background in law enforcement and investigations.

The coroner’s office should have no real or perceived conflict of interest, and it seems to me like a coroner who is also a funeral director is like having the rabbit watch the lettuce.

Dave Slavish has also promised to move the coroner’s office to a secure location in a Chaffee County building, the same as all other elected officials, and as needed he will enhance the duties of the coroner with assistance from Dr. Doug Johnson. Dr. Johnson is a retired local physician and surgeon (23 years in Salida, Buena Vista and Leadville), serves on the Chaffee County Fire Department and is a member of Chaffee County Search and Rescue North.

By state statute the coroner is responsible for filling an unexpected vacancy for the county sheriff and it just makes sense that a law enforcement veteran would be the best fit.

Dennis Heap