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Dear Editor:

I’ve worked with Senator Kerry Donavan for years now regarding issues under consideration in the Colorado General Assembly. The most impressive thing about our Senator is her unique ability to work across the aisle and get things done. I could list a litany of bills she worked hard to get passed out of the Senate.

Trying to have an open mind, I attended the recent debate sponsored by the Leadville Chamber of Commerce. When I heard her opponent say that the planetary climate change was “very slight” and that he “vehemently disagrees on evidence it is man-made” my mind was immediately made up. A warming planet is just the fact and setting new record high temperatures each new year since 2013 is not what any reasonable person would call “slight.”

Human greenhouse gas emissions directly affect the greenhouse effect warming our world. That’s also, just a fact.

Senator Donovan actually acknowledged the overwhelming scientific census regarding global warming and enunciated a plan to address it, before it is too late.

Her opponent feels there is no need for government, yet he wants to run for senator and be part of that government for what purpose? He has accepted funding from Americans for Prosperity. This organization is funded by the Koch Brothers and has no business in our elections.

You may have received the insane flyer in the mail besmirching Sen. Donovan for supporting net neutrality? That would be Sen. Donovan and over 22 million Americans who wrote comments to the FCC supporting net neutrality.

Sen. Donovan is crystal clear on the fact that there is a good purpose for government starting with the education of our children, the future leaders. After all, we the people, are the government. Our Senators work for us and Senator Donovan has exemplified that concept as our representative in the State Senate for the past four years.

Her steadfast work to continue to insure that every Coloradan, especially those of us up here in the mountains, has access to affordable and quality health care is the quintessential example of perseverance. I need her to be re-elected to finish this project. Healthcare is a human right.

Sen. Donovan is one of the best and most responsive representatives I have personally dealt with in the past several decades. I am proud and privileged to support her re-election. I invite you to join me in that regard.
Don’t take my word for it. Visit her website to see her populist agenda.

Scott Morrow