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The wooden peace sign stolen from the Lombardro’s Fence overnight Aug. 28. The sign was bolted to the fence. Courtesy image.

During the late hours of the night on August 28, more petty vandalism occurred in the city of Salida, this time targeting a wooden Peace sign.

Ark Valley Voice has already reported on vandalism of yard signs this past week in Salida, and this latest incident may indicate the escalation of activity targeting yard signs on private property.

Megan Lombardo reported Saturday morning that a two-foot by four-foot wooden sign depicting a peace symbol, that had been securely screwed onto her fence, was forcibly stolen overnight.

This is not the first time that the family’s signs have been vandalized. Over the course of this summer in Salida, the Lombardo family has had a pride flag damaged, yard signs have been run over by bicycles and they have experienced outright theft of their yard signs.

This comes after the previously-reported night of vandalism on August 23. The signs stolen or damaged from yards around town held various messages. Some supported the Black Lives Matter movement, along with other highly politicized social issues. Lombardo noted that in some cases the signs stolen have been made by children, making the incidents all the more concerning

This targeting would appear to highlight a biased underbelly of the community. Ark Valley Voice will be continuing to report on what is behind the incidents.