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A reminder from the Truth Has a Voice Foundation (THAVF) of how important civic education, fact-based journalism, and a willingness to engage in healthy debate and collaboration is to the strengthening of American democracy.

Today is Colorado Gives Day, a day to consider the nonprofits that most support your values. This local nonprofit operates as a fiscal sponsee of the Chaffee County Community Foundation until it attains its own 501(c)(3) status. THAVF exists to support these bulwarks of a free and independent society that engages with our government that represents not just some, but all Americans.

THAVF has co-sponsored election candidate forums, underwrites journalism internships, sponsors community forums that ask the tough questions that make people think. As this new foundation grows, it will add to its media literacy education programming, with the firm belief that informed citizens make contributing citizens.

The board of THAVF asks that readers consider a donation to their important goals. Every dollar counts towards this year’s $5,000 CO Gives Day goal. Readers can donate at:

Editor’s Note: Ark Valley Voice receives some contributing funding from THAVF to support its student internship program.