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Giving NewsDay is Tuesday, Nov. 30

Tuesday, Nov. 30 is a red-letter day on the calendar for Ark Valley Voice (AVV). Across the nation this day is called Giving NewsDay  — and it begins a month-long recognition of the role of local journalism delivered by small, independent news organizations, in the communities where we live and work.

Our Founding Fathers believed strongly that journalists play a role in assuring that we remain a functioning democracy.  They wrote that protection into the Constitution

Frankly, this is where we remind readers that you need the news — and the news needs you.

AVV delivers free, daily news as a public service to our community. We do our best to provide independent, unbiased news stories on the topics you care about. We are beholden to no one but journalistic ethics and to our readers to assure that truth has a voice.

AVV news stories cover a range of topics that impact your lives; local government, transportation, public health, and economic development. We cover breaking news and education, the environment, the arts and culture, and much more. Our work has earned honors from the Colorado Press Association, and we were invited to membership in the Colorado News Collaborative

We don’t ask you to pay for news — we think it is your right to access the information to make decisions for your families and businesses. We publish real-time — as stories are ready, they go up in our digital newsroom, available to anyone at

AVV reporters and editors work hard. We exist with small private investment, advertising, grants, and community donations. We need donations to exist.

So, along with AVV crew, mark your calendar for Nov. 30 … this is the kick-off of a NewsMatch Challenge funded by the Gates Family Foundation and the Rose Community Foundation in which  Ark Valley Voice has been selected to participate. If donations to AVV top $5,000 between Nov. 30 and Dec. 31, we receive a matching $5,000 matching grant. If we can exceed that amount, there is the possibility of a larger matching grant.

We hope readers will consider a supporting donation come Nov. 30. We would be honored if you would consider a recurring donation.

Thank you for being an Ark Valley Voice reader.
