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SDCEA Invites Members to Coffee and Conversation at the Co-op

Image courtesy of Sangre de Cristo Electric Assn., Inc. Facebook page.

From 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, August 17, members are welcome to join Sangre de Cristo Electric Association (SDCEA) employees for free coffee, conversation, and baked goods at the co-op.

“We want people to come by and get on their way with a great cup of coffee or stay for a bit and ask questions they may have about the co-op,” said Interim CEO Gary Kelly of the early event.

Members are welcome to drop by the SDCEA community room at 29780 North U.S. Highway 24 in Buena Vista to grab some morning caffeine or take a quick break while running early morning errands and catch up on what the rural electric cooperative is doing.

SDCEA will give away free reusable coffee cups and vehicle beverage coasters to those that attend the event.

While electric cooperatives may not always be top of mind for residents, they do have a big impact on rural areas. If members have any questions about the cooperative, the casual morning event presents an opportunity to ask.

For more information, members can call 844-395-2412 or email

About Sangre de Cristo Electric Association

According to their website, SDCEA has more than 13,000 consumer-members who mutually own the rural electric cooperative. Headquartered in Buena Vista, the SDCEA has been in business for more than 80 years.

The SDCEA is a private, independent electric utility business that is owned by the consumers in the service area. It is incorporated under the laws of the state of Colorado, as a not-for-profit business, and governed by a board of directors elected from the membership.

AVV recently covered the most recent SDCEA election that saw director-elects Jeff Fiedler and Mark Boyle take seats as the newest board members. Jeff Fiedler will serve a three-year term representing rural Lake and Chaffee Counties, while Boyle will serve for three years as an at-large representative. Blake Bennetts retained his seat as representative of Buena Vista after initially being appointed to the SDCEA Board.

Featured image: The Sangre de Cristo solar project in Chaffee County. Photo courtesy of Sangre de Cristo Electric Association.