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The Salida Public Works Department has roadway capital projects planned for 2021 including numerous work locations for reconstruction, utility related improvements as well as upgrades to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and crosswalks.

Improvements to East Crestone Avenue, M Street and West Third Street intersection are scheduled to occur from mid-March through April. This project includes intersection realignment and utility work and will create new traffic flows.

Curb, gutter and sidewalk ramp rehabilitation at 5th and G Streets in Salida. Merrell Bergin photo

Poncha Boulevard, I Street and West Third Street intersection improvements are scheduled to occur between mid-April and mid-June. This major project includes sidewalk, curb, gutter, bike lanes, intersection realignment and green space enhancements.

Currently, this is a confusing triangle and cluttered 3-way intersection that carries significant traffic.  These improvements should reduce the risks of people failing to yield and make it safer for pedestrians and non-motorized travel in the soon-to- expand Chaffee County Courthouse campus area.

City officials say the work will also provide improved pedestrian mobility between the Mesa area and the downtown core.

Other street reconstruction work (including B Street from First to Park Avenue and I Street from Sackett Avenue to First Street) is scheduled to occur later in the year. These project locations include street rehabilitation and utility improvements.

Each of these projects is expected to have periodic closures and detours established throughout the course of the construction with limited access to local traffic. Public Works looks forward to improving the City’s streetscape with the completion of these projects.

Contact Public Works at 719-539-6257 with any questions.