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As summer winds down, the City of Salida will be pulling the barricades and planters from F Street Plaza on Wednesday, September 6. The city will start work that morning to make it accessible again to vehicular traffic.

The city is thanking businesses for their participation again this year in making the plaza a welcoming space for its citizens and visitors. It is reminding businesses to have any of their property off of the streets and sidewalks prior to Wednesday, September 6.

As the barricades and planters are being removed, the City would like to remind the public to pay extra attention to traffic in and around the F Street corridor, stay on the sidewalks and use the walk signals for crossing.Vehicles on First Street often tailgate each other as yellow lights turn to red — allow time for the intersection to clear before crossing.

Featured image: The F Street Pedestrian Plaza,  closed to auto traffic for the past few summers, has been “arts-central” during the Salida Creative District’s “First Friday” events, Summer, 2023. The final “First Friday will be next Friday, September 1. Tina Gramann photo.