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It was only a matter of time before the Colorado Republicans (GOP) found something else to rail against. Call it the latest salvo in the hard-right culture war attack on Americans, which has grown to include the freedoms of public libraries, a play to control public school boards, attacks on the rights of minorities, and LGBTQ+ queer and transgender people, particularly on youth.

Yesterday, the state GOP issued an eblast to its members calling for all children to be pulled from public schools. Their reason? An official claim that public schools are actively working to recruit children to become transgender. Culture war issues, especially involving attacks on gay and transgender people, especially school-age children, have become a focus of Republicans nationwide in 2024.

“All Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education,” read the directive from the director of special initiatives for the Colorado GOP Darcy Schoening. He is a former leader of the El Paso County chapter of the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty.

State GOP Chair Dave Williams. Image courtesy of 9News.

Colorado  GOP Chairman Dave Williams who is an avid Trump supporter and 2020 election denier, has pulled and pushed the Colorado Republican Party focusing on cultural issues, while at the same time, from a historical perspective, it has less actual electoral power in this state over the past seven decades. His stance isn’t surprising, given his personal history.

According to Media Matters: “The Republican official also has a history of anti-LGBTQ bigotry. He supported anti-LGBTQ legislation as a state representative and, as a college student, he was impeached as the student body president at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs after attacking LGBTQ students.”

This time what appears to have set off  Colorado GOP leadership is a new measure (House Bill 24-1039 passed by the Democratic majority party at the State Capitol and recently signed by Governor Jared Polis) that would require schools to use children’s preferred names, even if they have not gone through a legal name change.

One section of the email reads: “If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as “she,” “they,” or whatever nonsensical terms your son’s teachers and peers may dream up.”

Williams might also be trying to curry favor with the GOP’s most recent candidate for Governor, Heidi Ganahl. She made a similar announcement against the state’s public school system last year. As first reported by 9News, when “speaking to the Truth and Liberty Conference in Woodland Park, which mixed anti-LGBTQ rhetoric with calls for Christian dominance of government, Ganahl said children should be removed from public schools and placed in church-run schools.”

Exactly how our overworked and underpaid public school teachers could possibly have the time to “indoctrinate students in LGBTQ+ philosophy, or how on earth whatever nonsensical terms your son’s teachers and peers may dream up is a thing, hasn’t been set out.

But the letter from the Colorado Republican Party in an email to members orders them to start paying tuition at Christian private schools. Portions of it were reposted by National Zero  today, so readers are welcome to review it.