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A local school board position was once seen as a mostly thankless, yet extremely important position of public service. It is now becoming another battleground in our seemingly escalating national culture war. Some of us have recently come to the misplaced notion that our schools are being used to indoctrinate school children to hate America, become Marxists, and promote LGBTQ lifestyles.

In response, this noisy minority has launched an effort to “take back” local school boards to modify curricula, cull the shelves of libraries, and attempt to do exactly what they complain of – dictate their specific worldview in our public schools.

Buena Vista School District Sign (Photo by Taylor Sumners)

So, the battles rage, and the pendulum swings back and forth with our kids in the middle of it all. Meanwhile, many families choose to move around the country or choose a school they think best reflects their individual values. It does not have to be this way.

There are enough fundamental problems to solve in public education without veering into cultural conflict: class sizes; teacher and staff pay and working conditions; talent retention; achievement gaps; and funding – just to name a few.

Furthermore, our public school is the heart of our community and our best resource to ensure a successful American future.  It is the place we should be able to come together to celebrate academic achievement, see a play, listen to beautiful music and cheer on our local athletes.  It is where we prepare our young people to become productive citizens.

To do this we must expose them to differing viewpoints, challenge them to become the best version of themselves, and show them that a diploma from Buena Vista Schools is their ticket to success in whatever is next – be it college, vocational training, or our local workforce. And we must do so as a unified school community.

I am running for school board because I want the best schools possible for my three sons and each of your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, friends, and neighbors. I am running for school board without any specific agenda other than to be a thoughtful and reasonable steward of this most precious public asset.

I will listen to administrators and teachers as experts in education – something I do not pretend to be. I will seek responsible allocation of the resources currently available and advocate for more stable funding mechanisms. I will be a boisterous cheerleader for our public school district and our community.

I will not engage in political fights fueled by national narratives designed to divide us. I will not use this position to impose my personal political opinions upon our school system. I will not disrespect teachers, staff, or administrators. After all, our people are our most valuable resource. I am running for the 1st District seat on the Buena Vista Board of Education to give voters a choice in their representation.

Should I be so fortunate to earn your support, please know that while we might not always agree, I will always uphold my duty to act in the best interest of the voters, administrators, teachers, staff and students of the Buena Vista School District. Thank you for your consideration.

Casey Martin