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At their regular meeting on Thursday, August 17, the Board of the Chaffee Housing Authority (CHA) heard an update on Jane’s Place.

Under the heading of “old business” they considered and approved the following actions: acknowledging receipt of a $1.3 million grant for Jane’s Place funding from the state Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), and updating the Strategic Plan, as well as adopting a revised Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) policy.

In addition, the board authorized Executive Director (ED) Ashley Kappel to establish deed restriction terms with the City of Salida in accordance with their Inclusionary Housing (IH) policies.

Executive Director Updates

Kappel gave the Jane’s Place Committee report in addition to the ED report. She announced that they were “moving forward with High Country Bank” for a loan to cover construction costs.  CHA will be “getting an updated bid to make sure that construction can start in early October.” She added that she would have an update at the next board meeting.

Kappel also reported that arrangements with Fading West LLC for the Carbonate Street project, and Paul Andrews on The Crossing, were also going forward.

New Projects may arise from Proposition 123

Kappel introduced consideration of Letters of Intent (LOIs) for two housing projects in Buena Vista seeking to take advantage of state “land bank” funding for affordable housing made available by Proposition 123.

“It’s a competitive grant process,” Kappel explained. “e can submit multiple letters of intent, but we would probably only get one grant. The LOI doesn’t commit us to anything – if we get the grant then we can buy some land to bank for affordable housing projects.”

“We have two projects that could work,” she added. “Alpine West, where we would also work with Chaffee Housing Trust to build 24 apartments, and The Homestead, which is a big development, with single-family homes and multi-family units.”

A motion to go forward with the LOIs was carried unanimously.

Board governance

In other new business, the Board approved a CHA email policy, the CHA employee handbook. It set a Justice, Equity, Diversity And Inclusion (JEDI) training date for November 9, and discussed a renegotiation of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the county before retiring to an Executive Session. According to Kappel and Board President Craig Nielson, there were no actions pending from this session.