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Heart of The Rockies Regional Medical Center in spring bloom, Dan Smith photo

The Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center (HRRMC) Board of Directors will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28 in the HRRMC Shavano Conference Room in Salida.

Community members are invited to make public comment, limited to three minutes per person. Those interested in speaking must register when they arrive.

This month’s focus topic will cover the 2024 Epiphany Cardio Server and be delivered by VP of Operations Desirae Westphal.

The Board will then conduct their annual conflict of interest disclosure by all members before electing Board Officers and assigning committee appointments. They will also appoint community members to the HRRMC Foundation Board.

Chairman Dan Wardrop M.D., Vice Chairman Tangie Granzella, Secretary and Treasurer Bob Morasko, Tom Mansheim, Jean Moltz Weber, Harry Payton, Peg Arnett, Barbara Pearson-Sawyer, Tom Eve, and Pam Warren all showed willingness to continue to serve on the Foundation Board.

The consent agenda includes approval of the Board’s April 23 meeting minutes and capital purchase requests totaling around $229,670:

  • $37,395 for two Chattanooga Lightforce Laser Therapy Systems for Physical Therapy
  • $46,168 for 45 Dell Personal Computers for Information Systems
  • $23,596 for Ortho Hall Power Handpiece and Batteries
  • $84,000 for seal coating the road.
  • $38,511 for a Steam Table for the Cafe.

Standard reports are expected on Medical Staff by Chief of Staff Joshua Visitacion, M.D., Finance by VP Fiscal Services Karen Miller, CEO and Administrative topics by CEO Bob Morasko, the Finance Committee by Stacy Osborne, the Facilities and Strategic Planning Committee by Bill Alderton, and the Foundation by Lezlie Burkley.

The Board will move into several executive sessions to discuss risk management, grievance reports, property negotiations, provider agreements, contract negotiations, and the employee search process.

Those interested in attending remotely can use the following information:

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 874 1572 1857
Passcode: 585306

One tap mobile:
+17193594580,,87415721857# US
+16694449171,,87415721857# US

The next HRRMC Board meeting is scheduled at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25  via Zoom or in-person at the HRRMC Shavano Conference Room in Salida.