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Dear Editor:

I am writing to endorse Sandy Long for election to the Sangre de Cristo Electric Association board. Sandy has long advocated for clean energy and local energy opportunities and their potential in combatting climate change. I have enjoyed seeing her in action with the local Citizens’ Climate Lobby and Ark Valley Energy Future, coordinating tech talks, gathering electric vehicles for car shows, helping organize community engagement sessions, and participating in Green Home tours.

Sandy brings an even-handed perspective to many discussions. Her education in engineering and business makes her knowledgeable, good with details, and fiscally wise. As a non-solar member of SDCEA, she offers valuable perspective to discussions about the future of net metering and the value of battery storage to benefit all members with locally generated electricity.

I am aware that Sandy’s proactive attitude led her to attend SDCEA board meetings for most of the last two years and that she has taken the time to get to know the current board members and the staff at SDCEA.

I would like to see Sandy take on a more formal role with SDCEA so that we can continue to benefit from her clear and consistent efforts on behalf of our energy future. Please join me in voting for Sandy Long for the SDCEA board.


Keith Baker

Buena Vista