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Tiffany Collette, owner of Rocky Mountain Garlic 

The March SOIL Sangre de Cristo “Speaker Series” is set for 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 13, and it will feature guest speaker and owner of Rocky Mountain Garlic, Tiffany Collette. Those wishing to attend should RSVP to receive the Zoom Link.

Collette has received two zero-percent interest loans from SOIL Sangre de Cristo. With the equipment and supplies purchased with these loans. Rocky Mountain Garlic’s production and connection to the communities has increased significantly. Tiffany and her husband Mike Collette now offer a diverse array of fresh vegetables, garlic and eggs.

Rocky Mountain Garlic (RMG) is the only Certified Naturally Grown Farm in Chaffee County. This designation is a grassroots alternative to USDA Certified Organic. RMG is committed to regenerating their soil; no herbicides or pesticides are used

This event will be recorded for future reference in the “Speaker Series Archives”.

It will be simultaneously translated into Spanish during the live presentation.