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In case you haven’t gotten yourself registered just yet, this is a last-minute reminder that the annual Outdoor Industry Summit is set to kick off tomorrow in Leadville, Colorado.

This year’s summit, put on, as always, by the Central Mountain Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will explore sustainable and responsible business practices in tourism and recreational-focused industries through four different “tracks of focus.”

The first track is titled “Innovations in Responsible Tourism,” in which attendees can discuss and hear from experts about how small businesses in tourist-heavy areas can manage growth in a proactive and productive manner.

Second up is “Empowering Sustainability in Business,” which describes SBDC and partners’ efforts to provide small businesses with guidance on how to scale their business without sacrificing environmental duties in the process.

The summit’s third track of focus is titled, “Inspirational Business Models,” which the SBDC explains as, “We’re shining a spotlight on B2B opportunities and mind-blowing business models designed specifically for the outdoor industry in Colorado. Get ready to expand your horizons and boost your bottom line!”

The final track in this year’s summit will be on collaborative partnerships in the outdoor recreational business arena. Speakers and participants in the summit will seek to illuminate ways that small businesses could establish a funding partnership with both public organizations and private granting bodies.

To register for $75, which includes meals, merchandise and breakout session access, click here. The event begins at Colorado Mountain College’s Leadville campus tomorrow, September 15, at 8:00 a.m. It will end at 5:30 p.m.

For a full list of speakers, events, activities and presentations, click here. Or read the Ark Valley Voice’s previous article here.