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Readers, Ark Valley Voice Asks you to Participate in “Voter Voices 2024”

Earlier this year, Ark Valley Voice joined 32 other newsrooms across the state in an unprecedented team effort focused on the 2024 election, to do something that we may not do often enough: listen.

The QR code unique to Ark Valley Voice in the attached image takes readers to a survey managed by the polling firm Hearken. The survey which we call “Voter Voices 2024” asks voters spread all across Colorado what their priorities are in this election cycle so that we can report and write more responsive, representative, and fair stories.

Hearken, working with our partner Colorado Public Radio will manage the data. We’ll get the trend information that we will reference to answer this key question: “What do you want candidates to talk about as they compete for your votes?”

We invite our readers to follow the QR code in the image, or follow this link to put your concerns into the poll:

That means everyone, no matter your political affiliation, or world view. We truly want this survey to represent our news coverage area. By participating you’ll help lift news coverage beyond the typical “horse race” to something more representative. You see, we want to capture not simply the odds, but the stakes.

We want to know what your top three concerns are and how much faith you have in the election process. We’re asking you to tell us a little about yourself so that we can ensure that we are, in fact, listening to all parts of our community. You can choose to remain anonymous. We hope you won’t.

We’d like to use this to begin a new chapter in political coverage. Your participation in this survey will help us report and write stories that are more responsive, more representative, and fair.

We made you a promise. Will you help AVV keep that promise?