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The Central Colorado Humanists (CCH) has announced its sponsorship of several scholarships to be awarded in the spring of 2024. Applications are now being accepted and the deadline to apply is March 1, 2024.

The scholarships will be awarded to high school applicants planning to attend four-year colleges and community colleges. Applicants must be high school seniors at Buena Vista High School, Salida High School, Cotopaxi High School, and students in non-traditional programs or home-schooled students who plan to attend an accredited college or community college full-time next fall.

CCH scholarship recipients are also eligible for, and encouraged to apply to CCH, for an additional scholarship after the completion of their first semester of post-secondary education, to help them meet college expenses for their second year. Previous scholarships awarded by CCH have been $1,000.

This past spring, the Humanists awarded ten scholarships to high school seniors and two scholarships to previous recipients following the successful completion of their first college semester. Applications for this year’s scholarships are available for download at Specific instructions for completing and submitting applications can be found on this website.

For students considering applying, scholarship candidates should have a 3.0 GPA and have exhibited some form of community service during their high school career. Evaluations will be based in part on the quality of an essay (limited to 750 words) to be submitted by each applicant.

Scholarship recipients will be announced at the respective high school’s awards assembly in May, 2024.

The Central Colorado Humanists is the local chapter of the American Humanist Association. Humanists are informed by science, guided by reason, inspired by art and nature, and motivated by compassion. The scholarship awards are one avenue by which the Central Colorado Humanists encourage the development of these values in our local youth while helping them achieve their life-long goals.

For more information visit their website at