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Diagram of the HRRMC parking layout. New spaces were approved for the area to the north of the doctors’ parking (green area at the center).

The Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center in Salida is running out of parking spaces – literally. 

For that reason, the Board of Directors, in a special meeting called Friday, Aug. 18, approved adding 81 additional spaces to the north of the current doctors’ parking lot, at an engineer-estimated cost of more than $233,500.

The parking space enlargement was the subject of a special meeting, apparently because CEO Bob Morasko was going to be out of town during the regularly scheduled board session on Tuesday, Aug. 22, and “They wanted to make sure everything is approved so they can move forward,” a spokesperson said.

The work will go out to bid soon, and will involve razing some current asphalt and curbing in the area as well as construction of the new spaces, according to engineering specifications.

After an executive session, the board also approved authorizing CEO Bob Morasko to purchase properties at 910 Rush Drive, known as First St. Family Health, and at 915 Rush Drive. The purchase price was not disclosed.

An area designated for future parking expansion at Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center, north of the main hospital and near the Rocky Mountain Eye Center and REACH Helicopter hangar on the campus. After HRRMC Board approval, up to 81 additional parking spaces will be built.
Dan Smith photo.

Editor’s note: Due to apparent technical difficulties, Ark Valley Voice was unable to join the Zoom streaming of the meeting. CEO Executive Assistant Cynthia Nactrieb said there was apparently a miscommunication about the correct online meeting ID number by someone assisting her with the meeting setup.