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After a miscommunication that left sizable excavation equipment moored on D St and 1st St in Salida’s historic downtown district for several days, a date for demolition of the long-abandoned D Street Apartments has finally been set.

Beginning mid-morning of Monday, August 21, JKS Industries will start taking down the apartment buildings. As of Friday, August 18, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has officially approved a State Demolition Permit for JKS, according to the City of Salida.

In a press release sent out on Friday, August 18, the City of Salida told residents that, “D Street will be closed during the actual demolition of the buildings on Monday. Heavy truck traffic will be in the area as the contractor removes debris from the site, Tuesday through Friday.”

“Please plan accordingly,” added Cristy Doon, the city’s interim City Administrator.

The demolition phase of this project is phase two in Salida’s plans for the abandoned dwelling. Phase one, the asbestos removal and abatement process, has only recently been completed. A State Demolition Permit cannot be granted for a blighted property if any hazardous materials are not properly dealt with beforehand. Otherwise, Salida residents would have to deal with asbestos dust flying all over the town.

The two buildings set to be taken down have sat uninhabited since 2017, when they were deemed uninhabitable by Chaffee County Building Department and Salida Police Department.

For a more in-depth report on JKS’ earlier-than-expected delivery of their excavation equipment, check last week’s Ark Valley Voice article describing the incident.