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Cover of EngineerGirl Magazine Courtesy of Steamers

EngineerGirl, is a magazine that was published as part of a one-time summer program run by two high school girls, Kelly Cha and Rachel Chae, serving as EngineerGirl Ambassadors. The Ambassadors Program supports talented high school girls working on projects to promote engineering for young girls and students with little access to engineering role models.

EngineerGirl Steamers was a free five-week class held online which aimed to bring national attention to the various opportunities that engineering has for women and girls. The program was created to mentor middle school age girls and help girls explore the field of engineering.

The magazine is a collection of their findings during this online class as well as a breakdown of the programs. Their main goal, they say, is to teach young girls that engineering is not just for boys and to destroy that stigma thus diversify the engineering world. Their focus on inclusivity shows girls it is okay to try new things, even if they’re labeled for boys.

To view the magazine, click here.